Adding mixed fractions
Adding mixed fractions

adding mixed fractions
adding mixed fractions

In such fractions, the first step is to convert them to like fractions so that the denominators become common. When the denominators are different, the fractions are called unlike fractions.


Now let us understand how to do the addition of fractions with different or unlike denominators.

adding mixed fractions

We just learned how to add fractions with like denominators. Now, let us learn more about the above cases in detail.Īdding Fractions with Unlike Denominators

  • Adding fractions with variables: 3/5y + 1/4y.
  • Addition of fractions with whole numbers: 1/2 + 2.
  • Addition of fractions with different denominators: 3/5 + 1/2.
  • Addition of fractions with same denominators: 3/4 + 1/4.
  • While learning about the addition of fractions, we might come across the following scenarios. Like fractions are a group of fractions with a common denominator, while unlike fractions are a group of fractions having different denominators. While adding fractions we need to check whether they are like fractions or unlike fractions. There are different types of fractions in Mathematics. So, the sum of the given fractions is, 1/4 + 2/4 = 3/4
  • Step 3: Simplify the fraction to its lowest form, if needed.
  • Step 2: Add the numerators and place the sum over the common denominator.
  • adding mixed fractions

    (Here, the denominators are the same, so we move to the next step) Step 1: Check if the denominators are the same.Solution: Let us add these fractions using the following steps. Now, let us learn the basic steps of the addition of fractions with the help of the following example. The addition of fractions means finding the sum of two or more fractions. Just like other numbers, we can perform the arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on fractions. A general representation of a fraction is a/b, where 'a' is the numerator, 'b' is the denominator, and 'b' cannot be zero. Fractions are made up of two parts, the numerator and the denominator. Before moving to the addition of fractions, let us quickly revise what are fractions. And we're done.Fractions are part of a whole. We still have our 37, but the numerator is now 5,Īnd the denominator is now 6. The value because we're doing the same thing to the Both the numerator and theĭenominator are divisible by 3. And so expressing thisĪs a mixed number, I get 37 and 15/18.


    I have 37 plus- it's going to be something overġ8- plus something over 18. The denominator by 6, so I'd also have to It as something over 18, well, I multiplied The fraction parts- let me do this in green. Going to add 18 and 2/3, which is the same The whole number parts from the fraction parts. And so this gives us, we still have our 37, but the numerator is now 5, and the denominator is now 6. And we're not changing the value because we're doing the same thing to the numerator and the denominator. Both the numerator and the denominator are divisible by 3. And so expressing this as a mixed number, I get 37 and 15/18. That's going to be- so I have 37 plus- it's going to be something over 18- plus something over 18. And now I can add these two things together. So 2/3, if I want to write it as something over 18, well, I multiplied the denominator by 6, so I'd also have to multiply the numerator by 6. So let's convert 2/3 to something over 18. And the least common multiple of 18 and 3 is 18. And then 3/18 plus 2/3, to add them, I need to have the same denominator. And then we can add the fraction parts- let me do this in green- plus 3/18 plus 2/3. Now we can separately add the whole number parts. And to that, we are going to add 18 and 2/3, which is the same thing as 18 plus 2/3. So 19 and 3/18 is the same thing as 19 plus 3/18. So I like to separate out the whole number parts from the fraction parts.

    Adding mixed fractions